Sunday, February 22, 2009

K Mart Super Double Coupons

Today my husband and I went to Lansing for the MMBA (Michigan Mountain Biking Association) annual Expo/Meeting. I knew that some K Mart stores were doubling coupons up to $2. I couldn't find any stores in SE Michigan that were doubling, so when I found out we were going to Lansing I was excited because I thought that the Lansing store was participating in the promotion. I looked at the ad online and there it was on the front cover of the ad...."Super Double Manufacturer Coupons...up to and including $2"!!!

I did 2 transactions (actually my husband one transaction, with my "help") because there was a 25 coupon limit per customer per day (although I don't know if they were really going to enforce that rule). Additionally I had two "$5 off of a $50 purchase" coupons from the Internet.

Here is a rundown of the deals:

Transaction #1
21 items, 21 coupons................13 FREE items

$62.82 before coupons/discount/taxes
-$5 off $50
-$27.25 in manufacturer coupons
-$25.25 doubled coupons
Total OOP: $7.27

Transaction #2
14 items, 14 coupons....................10 FREE items
$52.94 before coupons/discount/taxes
-$5 off $50
-$22.00 in manufacturer coupons
-$21.48 doubled coupons

Total OOP: $6.05

So all in all OOP: $13.32. Without the cat stuff, the OOP would have been much lower.